Estimation of Design Sea Ice Thickness with Maximum Entropy Distribution by Particle Swarm Optimizat

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyong
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The maximum entropy distribution, which consists of various recognized theoretical distributions, is a better curve to estimate the design thickness of sea ice. Method of moment and empirical curve fitting method are common-used parameter estimation methods for maximum entropy distribution. In this study, we propose to use the particle swarm optimization method as a new parameter estimation method for the maximum entropy distribution, which has the advantage to avoid deviation introduced by simplifications made in other methods. We conducted a case study to fit the hindcasted thickness of the sea ice in the Liaodong Bay of Bohai Sea using these three parameter-estimation methods for the maximum entropy distribution. All methods implemented in this study pass the K-S tests at 0.05 significant level. In terms of the average sum of deviation squares, the empirical curve fitting method provides the best fit for the original data, while the method of moment provides the worst. Among all three methods, the particle swarm optimization method predicts the largest thickness of the sea ice for a same return period. As a result, we recommend using the particle swarm optimization method for the maximum entropy distribution for offshore structures mainly influenced by the sea ice in winter, but using the empirical curve fitting method to reduce the cost in the design of temporary and economic buildings. The maximum entropy distribution, which consists of various recognized theoretical distributions, is a better curve to estimate the design thickness of sea ice. Method of moment and empirical curve fitting method are common-used parameter estimation methods for maximum entropy distribution. In this study, we propose to use the particle swarm optimization method as a new parameter estimation method for the maximum entropy distribution, which has the advantage to avoid alert in Introduced by simplifications made in other methods. We conducted a case study to fit the hindcasted thickness of the sea ice in the Liaodong Bay of Bohai Sea using these three parameter-estimation methods for the maximum entropy distribution. All methods implemented in this study pass the KS tests at 0.05 significant level. In terms of the average sum of deviation squares, the empirical curve fitting method provides the best fit for the original data, while the method of moment provides the worst. Among all thr e a methods, the particle swarm optimization method predicts the largest thickness of the sea ice for a same return period. As a result, we recommend using the particle swarm optimization method for the maximum entropy distribution for offshore structures primarily influenced by the sea ice in winter , but using the empirical curve fitting method to reduce the cost in the design of temporary and economic buildings.
【摘 要】小学美术教学的主要内容是传授给学生浅显的美术知识,提高简单的造型技能,培养审美情趣,提升爱国主义情感,养成良好的思想品德等,这说明了美术的重要性,在教书的同时,也要育人。  【关键词】美术课 思想品德 教育  为了进一步加强和改进未成年人的思想道德建设,中共中央、国务院印发了《关于进一步加强和改进未成年人的思想道德建设的若干意见》,对新世纪新阶段加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设作出了新的重