Cultural contrast

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  Chinese cultural contains a great number of styles; culture differentiation does not depend on region differentiation. This research would interpret what difference between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
  1. Food culture in china
  Traditional Chinese medicine suggests eating local seasonal fruit and vegetables, as they are most suitable for the body during a particular season. It is also divided food into 3 characteristics: cooling foods, warming foods and balance or neutral. Chinese people believe using the specific food can balance the body’s Yin and Yang and treat diseases.
  Veggies Characteristics in Traditional Chinese medicine:
  2. Hong Kong food culture
  Globalization and hybridization is the food culture in Hong Kong. After SARS in 2009, the consciousness of healthy and environmental protection has been arisen. The Food characteristics are rich variety, fine process, particular about seasoning and focus on fresh. Most Hong Kong people are fancy on homemade cooking soup and vegetable is a necessity in their everyday meal.
  3. Shen Zhen food culture
  Due to the large numbers of immigrants in Shen Zhen, which create a multifarious food, culture in Shen Zhen. People like soup and midnight snacks are the two main food behaviors in there. They prefer small dishes and vegetables are essential in their daily meal.
  4. Farms in Hong Kong and Shen Zhen
  There are 127 farms in total in Hong Kong, which mainly located in the Yuen Long and Sheung Shui area.
  The Caritas City Farmer Organic Farm is located in the Yuen Long and plants 20-30 kinds of veggies in a year and product 5-10 kinds of veggies in each season The farm is in a very small scale with only 2-3 employees, they sell the veggies mainly through the Facebook and other social media, meanwhile they have hire some woman without job as their distribution and promotion people in each area, as long as they receive the order, the farmer distributes the veggies to the Yuen Long MTR station, and the woman will pick up and distributes the veggies to the consumer’s home. The farm gives them 3% of the revenue as a commission to the woman, which help the woman to earn money and also save the expensive transportation fee for the farm. The veggies price is 5 times higher than the normal veggies, which sold in the wet market because of the limited production.
  Ivita private farm was established in March 2011, mainly relying on e-commerce platform for the development of sales of fresh veggies. The farm is located in Shenzhen Dapeng Area with 200 acres of agricultural land 35 employees which produce 35~40 kinds of veggies in each season. The Ivita veggies are not the strictly organic food and price of all the veggies are the same, 10 RMB/500g, which is 2-5 times higher than the average veggie price in Shen Zhen and transportation account 20% of the total revenue. The Ivita private farm eager to develop a series service, like vegetable cultivation and distribution, farm experience, ecological farming and other ecological agricultural products Delivery.
在教育改革的不断深入下,初中英语课堂中的课堂评价成为英语教育中所关注的重点内容,实行有效可行的教学评价,能够实现课程的整体目标,帮助教师和学生及时地认识到课堂教学中所存在不足和问题。本文对初中英语“一案三段六步”高效课堂教学模式中的课堂评价进行分析。  一案三段六步课堂教学模式是目前初中英语教学中一种高效的课堂教学模式,其中的一案主要指的是将预习案和探索案结合成一份导学案,并且在此基础上来形成合理
英语单词作为学习英语的基础,却成为很多学生起步的阻碍,单词只靠死记硬背,教师的教学方式比较单一、传统,学生的学习积极性差,花了时间但是没有什么成效,逐渐对英语失去兴趣。本文根据探究学习法的特点和内涵,讲述如何在高中的英语词汇课堂对探究学习法运用。  1. 什么是探究式学习?  探究式学习指的就是通过对某些事物的存在哪些问题以及用什么方法去解决问题进行探索,对事物的解决方式以及其内在的规律和自身的性
课堂提问是结合教学目的与学生的实际现状设计教学问题,让学生回答的一种方式。高中时期是学生价值观与人生观形成的重要阶段,学生具备自主思考自身言行与学习的能力,有效的英语课堂提问可以培养学生的听说能力,并且可以加强师生间的沟通、活跃教学的氛围以及培养学生的学习兴趣。  1. 高中英语课堂提问坚持的原则  1.1 全面性  素质教育的对象是全体的学生,其是要让所有的学生在固有的基础上获得提高与发展。为此
好的开端是成功的一半。并不是每节课都要求有导入,但有效导入一定是一堂好课的必备环节。在课堂教学中新颖、富有趣味的导入,最能吸引学生的注意力,使学生自然投入新课学习的氛围之中,激起他们活跃的思维,提高积极参与语言交流的热情,在课堂学习中积极主动、热情自信。  1. 中学英语课堂导入现状  1.1导入不利落  教师在准备课堂导入的过程中需要收集一些资料,并对这些资料进行筛选整合。但有的教师觉得收集的资
英语作为交际性语言,具有一定的艺术和情趣。运用音乐活跃课堂教学情境,能使得学生在主动学习和积极探究的过程中增强无穷学习活力,便于他们开阔认知视野和思维。通过音乐挖掘课程素材资源,使得学生获得更多学习内容;通过喝彩来发现学生闪光点和进步,更能够使得学生在增强学习动力基础上主动学习和使用英语。借助音乐和喝彩来给课堂增强情趣,不仅能使得学生主动探究问题,更利于他们主动识记过程中灵活运用英语。  1. 借
高中英语课程是学生在高中阶段所学课程中的十分重要的一门课,提升高中英语课堂效率对高中整体教学质量的提高极具影响。笔者仅结合工作实际,谈谈对提升高中英语课堂效率的认识。  1. 当前高中英语教学存在的问题  1.1教师对教学目标的认识存在不足  在高中英语教学过程中,教学目标始终都是英语教师制定教学计划、设计教学环节及课堂活动的最重要的依据,也是英语教师检测教学效果的参照标准,它已成为英语教师从事英
高中英语教学过程中,最重点的内容就是培养学生的英语阅读能力,因为,提高学生阅读能力是提升英语教学质量的关键,且高考英语试题对学生阅读能力的考查越来越重视,而相对于其他方式,在课堂教学中提高学生的阅读能力的效果十分显著,因此探究如何在课堂教学中提高学生的英语阅读能力是十分必要的。  1. 利用课堂教学提高学生阅读能力的重要性与必要性  閱读是人类接受知识的一种重要途径,通过阅读理解,不仅能够使学生的
美英文化作为英语语种的发源地和主要使用地区,教师在讲课时多渗透美英文化,这样会加强学生对于所学知识的理解程度,对于提升高中英语课堂教学的有效性有着很大的帮助。高中生跨文化意识的渗透以及培养应当贯穿于教师讲课的整体环节上,把握学生的认知能力和接受能力,引导学生参与到课堂学习中,在英语的学习中加入相关的文化知识,加强学生的学习和理解。  1. 跨文化意识培养的主要意义  目前,我国大多数的高中依旧采取