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  摘  要:《小鎮畸人》是舍伍德·安德森最具代表性的一部作品,由25个小故事组成,在美国文学史上具有重要地位。作者所处的社会建立于以男性为中心的父权体系之上,女性主义雏形开始出现。因此本论文从女性主义角度出发,从传统女性、新女性和理想女性来解读小说中的三种不同类型的女性形象,以期对现代女性的精神情感方面会有所启示,鼓励现代女性成为新时代的独立女性。
  Winesburg,Ohio was the product of the industrial times. The content of this novel reflected a series of social phenomena like countryside urbanization,agricultural modernization and transportation modernization,which were consistent with the society reality. This novel was a series of short stories set in the small Ohio town at the end of the nineteenth century. The novel was composed of 25 short stories,in which mainly described the life of the residents who were constricted by tradition and not able to adapt themselves to the new times. Anderson vividly presented a picture of an American town. Those people who lived in Winesburg were grotesques suffering spiritual illness and mental loneliness so that they were grotesques. All people in this text were too delicate to be able to express their inner thought to others. Those stories and leading roles are all connected by George Willard.
  1.The Tragedy of Traditional Women
  At Anderson’s times,men were the center of the society and women should serve for men. Women were inferior to men. Most women did not have jobs and they devoted their life to the men. In Winesburg,people were conventional,and among eight female roles,Alice was the most dependent one,even though she has the thought of being equal and independent. In this novel,Alice was a typical victim of the patriarchal society.
  In the story Adventure,Alice Hindman was a representative of traditional woman. When Alice was sixteen years old,she fell in love with the young man named Ned Currie who worked at a newspaper office. She had sexual relationship with him. Ned was older than Alice,they had planned their future life. But Ned wanted to create a better life for them,he decided to leave Winesburg for Cleveland to earn more money. Alice would like to accompany him with a strong determination.
  Although Ned was touched by her words but still refused her and said to her that he would come back as soon as he got a great job. But after a long time,Ned forgot his promise and began to be attracted by the life of the city. However,Alice still strongly believed that Ned would come back one day after several years. She saved her money in order to look for Ned to try to reunite with him. She thought she belonged to Ned so that she could not marry anyone else.   Above all,Alice was a tragic traditional woman and she was imprisoned in her love. It was obvious that Alice was the tragedy of traditional women. Ned abandoned her,but she was deeply influenced by the traditional culture so that she could not love others. Therefore,as a modern female,we should have an independent spiritual quality. Our inner mental world should be strong.
  2.The Struggle of New Women
  From a man’s point of view,a woman should stay at home and be dedicated to looking after the family,which was the traditional responsibility of women set by the society. If someone straightly and openly disobeyed their traditional role,it would arouse others’ surprises and evoke man’s strong opposition. Elizabeth was a representative of the new women. Because of the society environment,there were a lot of difficulties during the process of achieving their aims,and women still made sacrifice with their great qualities. It was not easy for them to keep their quality in the men-dominated society.
  3.The Construction of Ideal Female Image
  According to the development of woman’s liberation movement,some new women won more and more supports to fight for themselves. Gradually,they were dying to have a place in the man-dominant society. At the latter period,women began to realize that there were more aspirations beyond these rights. Women recognized that it was high time to change their destiny. Women knew that they should get rid of the tie of traditional thought. Anderson also described some female images to show his attention and sympathy to women.
  Anderson’s expectation for the future men-women relationship revealed his advanced view on women. His expectation made a breakthrough in the traditional view and produced significant meaning. Helen White was the symbol of Anderson’s thought of building harmonious relationship and building new female image. She stood for a kind of balance between women and men. She had the ideal personality for men and women. Anderson expressed his hope about the construction of ideal female through the female image of Tandy and Helen White.
  This novel expressed Anderson’s sympathy and concern for women. For traditional women,their destiny were tragic.For new women,the process of their struggle was hard. For Elizabeth,she had been driving for her self-identity.
  For our modern women,we should stick to our dreams and work hard to realize them. On one hand,women do have their jobs to become financially independent. On the other hand,women are supposed to expand their circles of friends and broaden their horizon. For marriage,women must be careful and think twice. They should pay attention to the character and connotation. In order to manage marriage well,people should communicate with each other. Otherwise,their marriage would be difficult to keep on.
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  [5]李佳蔚. 《小镇畸人》中畸形人物研究[D]. 成都:四川师范大学,2012.
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摘 要:本文主要探讨了MOOC模式下我军军事职业教育平台在建设运行过程中存在的运行“报错”率较高、有效使用率不高、结课“刷分”现象开始出现问题,并针对这些问题提出了具体的改进策略。  关键词:MOOC;军事职业教育;军事职业教育平台  2017年8月,中央军委印发《军事职业教育改革实施方案》,拉开了新时代中国特色军事职业教育的序幕。这种全新的具有我军特色的军事职业教育,将国内外高校普遍采用的MOO
摘 要:在互联网的背景下,各式各样新型的教育方式和资源纷纷涌现,而微课就是其中的一种,可以有助于学生自学能力的提高,具备短小精悍的特点,是教师教学过程当中的一个有效选择。所以,高中教师在开展生物复习课的过程当中也可以发挥微课的优势。更好地促进学生的个性化复习,让复习效率得到进一步的提高。  关键词:微课;高中生物;复习课;优化  前言:在高中生的生物复习当中,由于学生之间具有着较强的差异性,不同的
摘 要:随着新课改以及素质教育的持续深入,高校计算机专业得到了越来越多的重视,其不仅有着十分显著的实用性以及工程性,还具有着强烈的科学性,而教师作为其中至关重要的引导者,更应当在TPACK理念指引下,加大自身的综合素质,从而更好地实现专业发展的目的。因此,文章首先对TPACK的基本概述加以明确;在此基础上,提出基于TPACK的高校计算机教师发展策略。  关键词:TPACK;高校计算机;教师专业发展
摘 要:发动机的维护不仅可以提升发动机的运转效率,提升发动机的性能,而且还能延长发动机寿命,还能减少不必要的经济损失。职业高中教师在教学的过程中,既要让学生认识到发动机的重要性,造成发动机故障的原因,又要引导学生从保养着眼,减少发动机故障的角度进行相关知识的学习,促进学生维修能力的提升。  关键词:汽车发动机;发动机故障;故障研究  在汽车维修中讲究“七分养,三分修”的原则。然而,在实际汽车维修过
摘 要:小学体育篮球教学是小学阶段学科教学的重要组成部分,其教学效果对于学生的篮球学习起到了极大的推动作用。在小学体育篮球教学之中,老师开始重视教学方法的创新,以此来提高课堂的教学效率。本文论述了当前小学体育篮球教学的现状,指出在小学体育篮球教学中问题的应对策略,以供大家参考。  关键词:小学体育篮球教学;现状分析;应对策略  现在新课程改革实行了很多年,传统的单一教学模式已经越来越难以适应当下的
摘 要:在高中历史学习中,学生主要是通过教材的阅读对人类社会中政治、经济、文化等方面的发展过程进行宏观的了解,以此认识重要历史事件和历史现象的意义以及总结历史发展的规律,形成历史唯物主义和唯物主义的历史观,从而具备深厚的历史素养。但在学习中,学生也需要充足的历史知识来让历史学习细节化,以增强对历史概念和历史意义以及历史规律的理解。因此,广泛运用历史故事对于提升高中历史教学的效果有着重要的作用。  
摘 要:在电子科技高速发展的基础上,市场对于电子电工企业的需求也在日益增加。中职教育主要是将职业作为导向,其课程的教学质量会对中职学生的专业知识和操作产生直接的影响。因此,在这种情况下就需要电子电工专业的教师在教学期间明确教学理念,并不断地优化创新教学的方法。教师需要结合电子电工专业的特色来安排教学内容和教学方法,从而提高课堂教学的有效性,帮助中职学生掌握并应用电子电工专业知识。  关键词:中职电
摘 要:学校古筝社团最初创办的目的就是让学生在课余可以享受音乐的魅力,缓解学习的压力。高雅的艺术是美,音乐的美能引起共鸣。古筝是一门高雅的艺术,在于丰富学生课余活动的同时,也提高了自身的修养,能使学生在学习繁忙时得到很好的放松。  关键词:组员的精选;社名的由来;训练的循序渐进;展示的平台   一、组建古筝社的起源  我校是一所九年一贯制义务学校,地处城乡结合部,因城乡改造占地,很多家长都在外务工
摘 要:在提倡素质教育的现今,校园中的体育课教学情况也备受社会各界人士的关注。如果一个校园拥有良好的体育文化氛围,就有利于培养学生的强健体魄,使学生体会到锻炼身体的重要性,为学生自身的学习与发展奠定基础,养成学生坚强的意志精神,让他们成为优秀的人才。但是,因为我国农村大多地处山区,位置比较偏远的缘故,农村的体育教学还是没有跟上目前体育教学的主流步伐,我们应该对这种状况进行深入的分析与探究。笔者在本
摘 要:读写转化是指在阅读和写作教学理论的指导下,遵循学生阅读和写作的心理规律,按照教学系统性、有效性的原则,建构起来的有利于读写沟通、从读学写、读转化为写的具有操作性、引领性的教学基本框架或结构。  关键词:整本书;阅读;读写转化   一、加强引导阅读,提高文本理解能力,培养自学取材能力  小学生因为涉事浅,对汉语的理解能力不足,在阅读课文时,只能大致抓住故事情节,不会细致地思考细节。因此,在阅