A Survey on the Relational Processes of experiential metafunction

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  This processes indicate the relationship between one entity and another, or refer to one entity’s characteristics or property.There are two types of relational processes:attributive and identifying. Each has two participants, namely Carrier and Attribute and Identified and Identifier.
  As this is a rich and complex area of clause transitivity, we only make an outline here, and begin by clarifying the basic structural difference between Attributive and Identifying process.
  1. Attributive Relational Processes
  The relational process involves establishing a relationship between two terms, where the relationship is expressed by the verb “be” or a synonym. In the Attributive sub-type, a quality, classification or descriptive epithet (Attribute) is assigned to a participant (carrier). The Carrier is always realized by a noun or nominal group.
  In the classification kind of Attributive relational process, the Attribute is typically an indefinite nominal group. The meaning of this kind of relational process is that “X is a member of the class a.” For example: “Diana is a talkative dinner guest.” In this sentence, “Diana” is the Carrier, and the Attribute is “a talkative dinner guest”.
  In the descriptive kind of Attributive relational process, the Attribute is a quality or epithet ascribed to the Carrier, i.e. “X carries the attribute a” . In this kind of relational process, the Attribute is typically an adjective, like the clause “You are very skinny”, here “skinny” was used as Attribute, and it is obviously an adjective.
  2. Identifying Relational Processes
  An identifying clause is not about ascribing or classifying, but defining. The meaning of an Identifying relational process is that “X serves to define the identity of y.”
  e.g. You are the skinniest one here.
  In this clause, “you” are identified as the “holder” or “occupant” of the identity or label of “skinniest one”.
  You (Identified/Token) are the skinniest one (Identifier/Value) here.
  The skinniest one(Identified/Value) here is you(Identifier/Token).
  Sometimes the Identifying and Attributive relational processes seemed similar to each other, but we still have to distinguish them. Take the sentence “the best known of Hangzhou is the west lake.” for example, it looks at first glance much the same as attributive process clauses. However, one significant difference between these clauses and attributive clauses is that they can be reversed, like “the west lake is the best known of Hangzhou”. Attributive clauses cannot normally be reversed in this way. The reason for this is that clause like “the west lake is the best known of Hangzhou” do not simply assign an Attribute to a Carrier. They identify one participant by equating it with another participant. This is why they are called identifying process clauses. And if participant A equals participant B, then of course participant B also equals participant A. In other words, the clauses are reversible. Besides, unlike Attributes, Identifiers cannot be realized by adjective groups. They must be noun groups or nominal clauses. If the second participant is a nominal group, we can decide according to definiteness:
【摘要】本文通过当前高中英语阅读课读后活动的低效现状,分析了在英语阅读教学中有效开展读后活动的必要性,并结合教育教学实践提出了优化读后活动的策略,从而提高学生的英语综合运用能力。  【关键词】阅读教学;读后活动;优化策略  【作者简介】胡金姬,福建省三明市大田县第一中学。一、优化高中英语阅读教学读后活动设计的必要性  《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》指出:“高中英语课程的总目标是使学生在义务教育阶
【摘要】英语从小学开始就在学生的学习生涯中占据重要位置,英语口语的学习在英语学习中具有重要作用。英语口语能够增强学生的应用能力,对于提高英语学习成绩有重要帮助,所以培养学生的英语口语能力也成为各大高校的教学重点。因此,本文主要从高校英语教学中提高学生口语能力的必要性、提高高校英语教学口语能力培养的方法策略等方面进行研究。  【关键词】高校英语教学;学生口语能力培养;策略研究  【作者简介】孙翠迪,
【摘要】学生学习兴趣的激发、培养以及综合能力锻炼、学科核心素养发展等都是小学英语新课标强调的关键点,而游戏化教学满足新课标的具体要求。因此,本文从不同角度入手客观分析了在合理运用游戏的基础上提高小学英语教学效率的对策,在改进、强化过程中促使英语课堂教学全过程更具魅力、更加有效,确保不同层次学生在课堂学习中英语学科知识层次、能力、素养等都能有所提高。  【关键词】小学英语教学;合理运用;游戏;教学效
【摘要】随着社会的高速发展,当下的高中英语教学已经不适应于国家的发展。因此,随着“新课标教学改革”的不断推行和深化,学校响应国家的号召不断地改善和创新英语教学方法,许多学者也不断地思考,探索出了一套适合高中英语教学的方法,本篇文章主要讨论了探究式教学在高中英语教学中的应用。  【关键词】探究式教学; 高中;英语教学;应用  【作者简介】赵肖瑞(1993-),女,汉族,陕西咸阳人,陕西延安大学,教育
【摘要】课堂教学评价通常包括教与学两个方面,是为了达到教学目的而采用的手段,其实质是将教学工作的实际表现与其理想目标或预定目标加以比较、判断,是促进学生成长、教师专业发展和提高课堂教学质量的重要过程。高职院校的英语课堂教学有效性不强,没有恰当的多元的课堂教学评价是其原因。本文通过问卷调查及其分析,得出了这个结论。  【关键词】高职院校;英语;教学评价  【作者简介】金义芬,江苏扬州人,江苏旅游职业
【摘要】大学英语教学过程中包括英语听力、英语单项选择、阅读理解、和英语写作,其中英语听力尤为重要,是大学英语学习中必须要掌握的一种能力。怎么样才能加强学生在大学英语教学中的听力训练是如今社会各界所关注的热门话题,而慕课的出现很好地解决了这一问题。本文浅谈慕课的含义以及现阶段在大学英语听力训练中存在的弊端,然后重点探究慕课在大学英语听力教学中的应用进而提升学生大学英语听力水平。  【关键词】混合式学
【摘要】伴随新课改深入实施,我国中学英语教学越来越强调培养学生综合语言运用能力和跨文化交际能力,这使得英语教科书文化功能日益凸显。本文立足于人教版初中英语教材,通过对教材中中西文化的展示方式、形式及内容设置等方面的分析,进而在教材内容的编写和教师教学手段两方面提出相关建议。  【关键词】初中英语;人教版教材;中西文化;对比分析  【作者简介】陈碧欣,林虹,冯志桃,王林,佛山科学技术学院人文与教育学