How can the clarification of listening tasks facilitate listening comprehension in ESL class

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  1. Introduction
  The teaching of listening has been put a greater level of importance nowadays than it did in the past, as many examinations in China usually conclude a listening section, acknowledging the central component of listening skills. According to this point, devoting to improve the efficiency of teaching listening seems to be necessary for teachers.
  This paper is going to discuss teaching listening in the ESL class, which starts by setting out the review of theoretical background about the format of teaching listening before introducing come guidelines of teaching listening. Subsequently, by applying these guidelines to English teaching, this paper will focus on explaining how can the clarification of listening tasks facilitate listening comprehension in the consideration of students’ level. Through discussing, this paper also attempts to remind teachers to notice the importance and necessity of the clarification of the listening tasks.
  2. Theoretical background
  In terms of second language acquisition, many researchers acknowledge that the listening teaching should not only to improve the learners’ listening comprehension but also to facilitate language learning. In recent years, the views of listening emphasis the prime significant roles of learners as the active participants of the listening and teachers which providing scaffolding and instructions for learners through the listening process.
  Based on different tasks and purposes, the procedures of teaching listening vary from situation to situation. According to Field (1998), the format of a relatively standard listening class usually contains three parts including pre-listening, listening and post-listening related to different listening strategies. A similar view from Richards, J. C. (2008) lend weight to this, stating that by using the current teaching materials, a typical class also consists of the same three parts connecting with various activities following the top-down and bottom-up listening processes.
  As Field (1998) has demonstrated, pre-listening involves not only the vocabulary learning, but also setting context and creating motivation. Richards, J.C.(2008) describes the pre-listening as a preparation process which consists of various activities, such as activating background knowledge and making predictions, etc. A similar view from Brown, S. (2006) states that the activation of prior knowledge is the main purpose of pre-listening activities, according to the cognitive psychology of listening processing. According to Scrivener, J. (2005), the background knowledge about the world, the specific topic and the genre seem to shape the listening text and benefit the listeners before listening.   3. Teaching listening in ESL class
  3.1 Some guidelines for teaching listening
  In order to improve or support the listening comprehension, the clarification of the listening tasks seems indispensable. According to Scrivener, J. (2005), the clarification could be explained as the “question first” technique which is often described as “task before audio”. If the learners listen to the text without any clarification or scaffoldings provided by teachers, just like skipping the pre-listening process in the format of teaching listening, the listening process would be more likely to a memory test, in order to complete the comprehension or detail questions in the post-listening part. The listeners would struggle to memorize all the information provided in the listening text, and in consequence remember very limited (Scrivener, J. 2005). Without the clarification before the task, the role of the teacher acted in the listening process seems much like presenting the difficulties and pressures to learners rather than helping them to realize achieving the goal is possible although the difficulties.
  As Brown, S. (2006) has demonstrated, to improve the listening comprehension of learners, the activation of previous knowledge is indispensable, which means the ability to contextualize the understanding and take advantage of the prior knowledge when listening. The main task of teachers is to acknowledge and understand the difficulties of learners and then try to find out a way to provide the clarification and scaffoldings which consist of activating prior knowledge of listeners (Brown, S. 2006). According to Scrivener, J. (2005) the prior knowledge could also be regarded as the background information including the general knowledge, the specific topic and the genre. In order to activate the prior knowledge or background information, the instructor should try to avoid letting the listener start with “zero” and provide sufficient clarifications, such as make prediction of the topic or content, which will help them make a good preparation of the coming listening task.
  3.2 Questions before task
  Providing the questions before listening task does not equal to providing all the information related before the task, especially the printed text of the listening. In order to avoid the listening process falls into a memory test, some instructors offer the transcript of the listening as scaffoldings before listening, the whole task would then turn into a reading process rather than a listening one, since the information input came through reading (eyes) instead of listening (ears). The listening process regarded as a stimulation-reflection process, means the stimulation need to come though ears and then process in mind. However, to do some certain exercises, like sequencing or correcting, presenting some of the printed text of listening tasks or the whole one in the while-listening or post-listening part might be reasonable.
  4. Conclusion
  As it shows above, it has explained the clarification of listening tasks in pre-listening process could facilitate the listening comprehension. The main function the “question first” technique is to clarify the aim or purpose of listening, to make the learners keep in mind that what information they would search for or pay attention to, which will help listeners become more effectively. If the listeners know what they are listening for, they might become more focused and selective to the listening task.
  [1]Field,John(1998).The changing face of listening.English teaching Professional 6:12-14.
  [2]Richards,J.C.(2008).Teaching listening and speaking from theory to practice.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
  [3]Brown,S.(2006).Teaching Listening.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
  [4]Scrivener,J.(2005).Learning Teaching.Oxford:MacMillan.
  【作者簡介】冯勋(1990- ),长春理工大学光电信息学院,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语语言学及教学法。
【摘要】随着慕课时代的到来,对于高职英语教学也提出了很高的要求,为了增进高职学生学习英语的兴趣,提高其综合学习能力,相关教师就要结合慕课发展需求,对自身的教学理念、教学模式等进行全面的优化和创新,本文也会针对基于慕课背景下,如何促进高职英语教学的成功转型进行着重的分析,以便为推动高职其他公共课程更快更好的开展慕课教学提供有效的参考。  【关键词】慕课;高职英语教学;转型策略;实践分析  【作者简介
提问是每一个课堂上最有力的武器,也是一个比较常规的武器,是小学英语课堂上提升学生的英语水平最有利的方法。它可以很好地定时检查学生的英语学习情况,开拓学生的英语思维,提升学生的创新能力,拓宽学生思路,教师也能在其中充分发挥指导的作用,使课堂的氛围更为活跃,促进学生的全面发展。因此,教师在英语的英语教学过程中一定要重视提问,好的问题更能引发学生的学习兴趣。  一、把握提问的原则  英语课堂上的提问不是
【摘要】随着经济的全球化范围不断扩大,通用语言的学习要求也越来越高。在当今教学环节中英语教学成为必不可少的板块之一,同时,在大多数高职学校中,培养具有高素质的英语技能人才既符合国家发展战略需要,也迎合了当今人才市场的广泛需求。但我国的高职英语教学模式还处于发展阶段,发展过程中还有着诸多问题。本文就高职英语教学模式的发展现状和存在的问题做出讨论,并提出解决方法。  【关键词】高职英语;教学模式;解决
【摘要】随着新课标实施的不断深入,新型的英语课堂互动小组教学形式正在成为一种时尚而又必需的教学策略。但在热烈气氛过分渲染下的课堂互动小组活动,并未能达到我们预期的效果。在实际操作中,我们很容易陷入困惑与误区。笔者结合自身实践和一些专著,在文中列举了一些英语互动小组学习中存在的误区,并提出了相应的优化对策,以供大家一起探讨。  【关键词】误区 互动 优化对策  随着新课标实施的不断深入,英语课堂教学
【摘要】绘本阅读就是通过图文并茂的方式来激发学生的阅读兴趣,不仅让学生更好的消化、理解知识,还能推动学生自主能力的提升和创新能力的培养。  【关键词】小学英语;核心素养;绘本阅读教学  【作者简介】王媛华,福建省龙岩市上杭县才溪小学。  繪本阅读的特性及教育作用对培养学生的核心素养具有很大的优势。通过对英语绘本阅读教学的研究,促进学生核心素养的形成和发展,具有很大的理论指导和实践意义。教师不仅要从
People from different nationalities are programmed by their own distinct cultures (Hofstede, 1984). Negotiators’ national culture is often found to exert an important influence on the negotiation proc
【摘要】教育部提出在中小学中普及信息技术教育,同时要求要加强各个科目与信息技术的整合。作为现代化教育环境下的英语教师,利用信息技术来进行教学也必然是新的趋势。英语课堂结合信息技术不但弥补了传统英语课堂教学的缺漏和不足,还改变了学生的学习方式,丰富了课堂教学,提高了学生语言综合运用能力并做到能学以致用。  【关键词】信息技术;英语;整合;课堂教学  【作者简介】许建霞,福建省泉州市第六中学。  信息
一、引言  语言是交际最基本的形式和手段,各种语言的语句都有它的语义功能。倒装句倒装的语义功能有两种:一是语法倒装,二是修辞倒装。前者是出于语法上的需要,非用倒装语系不可,有强制性;后者出于达到某种修辞效果(如强调、平衡、衔接、描绘)在高中语法倒装句的教学中,我们的目标是:1.依据新课标及考纲要求,认识倒装句在英语句型中的重要性。2.从结构上分清全倒装与部分倒装的主谓语系。在现行的新教材和近年来的
I. Introduction  In the past,it was believed that subject-predicate sentence structure is shared by both Chinese and English; however,confusion was aroused when western linguistic theories were direct