The Lantern Festival in the Golden Lotus

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvbei2008
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  【Abstract】To wrote the Lantern Festival in The Golden Lotus, the author relying on folk culture and the literature tradition, make Lantern Festival become a vivid and particular imagery in the novel.
  【Key words】The Golden Lotus; the Lantern Festival
  Lantern Festival and its related activities appear in The Golden Lotus four times, occupying ten chapters of the whole novel. In the time process of the whole story, the narration of the Lantern Festival locates on the main part of the plot, and it have exceeded other affairs and festival in the aspect of narration density and continuity.
  I. Four times describing of the Lantern Festival
  “Festivals in China have their origin, and each one has a process from birth, growing and death”, Lantern Festival origin in WeiJin, The Lantern Festival originated in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and flourished in the Tang Dynasty. The Golden Lotus has four times to write Lantern Festival. When Li Pinger had a birthday, the author first wrote the Lantern Festival, the meaning of this describing of the Lantern Festival is that Li pinger beddings for herself into the Ximen’s home. The first occurrence of the Lantern Festival is corresponding to the beginning of the main part of the novel. The second describing of the Lantern Festival is that the servant Song Huilian who relied on the favor of Ximen Qing push herself forward. It is a small result of the expansion of Ximen Qing’s lust, and a small climax of the plot of the progress. The third describing of the Lantern Festival is the most detailed extension of the book, and also the most lively plot, it is showing the wealth of the Ximen family. The fourth Lantern Festival, is also the last time to write the Lantern Festival, before the festival Ximen Qing died. Ximen’s death led to the disassembly of the network of the complex relationship, is the sign of the decline of the Ximen’s family, thus, this describing of the Lantern Festival corresponds to the end of the main story of the novel.
  II. The space expansion of the Lantern Festival
  In the artist world of The Golden Lotus, the Lantern Festival expand the active square. In the family of Ximen Qing, his wives couldn’t go out casually, their active square usually be restricted in their house. In this background, the significant meaning of the Lantern Festival in The Golden Lotus is distinctive. The author create a street and named it the Lion Street. In this novel, this street is one of the busiest street in Qinghe. When Li pinger’s husband Hua Zixu dead, she buy a house in the Lion Street. In the fifth chapter, Liping invite Ximen Qing’s wife eating in her home at Lantern Festival. In the twenty-four chapter, Li pinger married Ximen Qing, They are watch lanterns in the next Lantern Festival. In the forty-two chapter, the Lantern Festival appears again, that night Ximen Qing fucked his mistress that is Wang liuer, it is really a very lascivious image. So by those discuss, we can find that the Lantern Festival play an important role in this novel.
【摘要】本文结合了译林版牛津初中英语Reading中问题链的有效教学实例,从把握适切性、明确指向性、关注统摄性、重视逻辑性四个方面探讨了问题链设计的策略。  【关键词】Reading教学;问题设计;问题链  【作者简介】张燕,溧水区东庐初级中学。  一、问题的提出  牛津初中英语Reading教学的目的是提高学生的阅读能力,并发展学生听说读写的综合语言运用能力。学生在阅读文本时,需要运用已有的认知
【摘要】随着素质教育的深入改革和发展,教育体制正处在不断完善和更新的过程中。高职教育也是改革的重要部分,本文以高职商务英语写作实践教学策略的研究为出发点,针对目前英语写作存在的现状及问题,进行积极的探索,找寻最合适的教学策略,以期提高高职商务英语写作的教学水平  【关键词】高职教育;商务英语写作;实践教学;策略研究  引言  经济全球化的发展,加深了各个国家之间的经济交流和文化交流。从经济发展的角
【摘要】伊壁鸠鲁哲学的快乐论认为:快乐是天生的最高的善,理性是快乐的工具,哲学是医治心灵痛苦的良药,美德是获得快乐的手段。伊壁鸠鲁派对于美的理解明显倾向于经验主义,其主要观点为:美如果不是令人快乐的就不是美。这与会给人带来刺激和恐慌的暴力美学思想似乎完全相悖。本文将以“美是否一定令人快乐”为中心问题,简要探讨伊壁鸠鲁派快乐论美学思想与暴力美学之间的联系与差异。  【关键词】伊壁鸠鲁哲学;快乐论;暴
【摘要】《喜福會》作为一本影响较大的文学作品,主要探究中国移民者在他国的生存状况以及东西方文化差异。相比于其他人来讲,移民人群中的女性所经受的考验也要多很多。这其中最为典型的特征就是“失语”现象。一方面,女性没有很多机会发出她们自己的观点意见。另一方面,她们由于种种原因无法表明自己的想法。文章立足于“失语”现象,旨在发现“失语”现象,以及分析女性角色对此现象的反应  【关键词】《喜福会》;“失语”
【摘要】学前教育是保证幼儿快乐学习、健康成长的必经之路,然而,因为应试教育体制、教师能力欠缺、地方经济发展水平限制等各方面的原因,很多幼儿园尤其是农村地区的幼儿园在学前教育实践过程中困难重重。鉴于此,本文详细探讨了现阶段我国学前教育的实践困境,并针对性地提出解决办法。  【关键词】学前教育;困境;改进  【作者简介】倪蒙,北京科技職业学院。  一、我国学前教育的实践困境  1.幼儿园教育小学化。受