Influence of Carcinogenic Factors in the Maxillofacial Region

来源 :哈尔滨医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ryan_cheng
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Objective To study the influence of carcinogenic factors on tissues and organs of the maxillofacial region(MFR)by measuring the expression of biomarkers in the oral fluid.Methods We recruited 421 patients who were divided into 2 groups:356 patients with a tumour of the MFR and 65 healthy people without somatic pathology in medical history.Results The effects of carcinogenic factors on the expression of biomarkers in the oral fluid in patients with a tumour of the MFR revealed a significant increase in the levels of biomarkers of tobacco use-MMP-8,TIMP-1,TIMP-2,and CA 72-4,CEA and CA 125;frequent use or abuse of alcohol-MMP-8,TIMP-1,TIMP-2,AFP and NSE;use of narcotics-TIMP-1 and TIMP-2;presence of occupational hazards in the medical history-MMP-8,MMP-9,TIMP-1 and TIMP-2;with a diagnostic sensitivity(DS)of over 60%.Also our analysis showed that the use of tobacco was significantly affecting the expression of TIMP-1and CA 125;frequent use or abuse of alcohol-CA 19-9,AFP and CEA;use of drugs had an impact on MMP-8expression.However,the occupational hazards in the medical history did not show a statistically significant effect.Conclusion Factors of carcinogenesis affect the expression of biomarkers in the oral fluid.The expression of the biomarkers of the MFR should be compared with that in the control group of patients with no carcinogenic factors. Objective To study the influence of carcinogenic factors on tissues and organs of the maxillofacial region (MFR) by measuring the expression of biomarkers in the oral fluid. Methods We recruited 421 patients who were divided into 2 groups: 356 patients with a tumor of the MFR and 65 healthy people without somatic pathology in medical history. Results of these effects of carcinogenic factors on the expression of biomarkers in the oral fluid in patients with a tumor of the MFR revealed a significant increase in the levels of biomarkers of tobacco use-MMP-8 , TIMP-1, TIMP-2, and CA 72-4, CEA and CA 125; frequent use or abuse of alcohol-MMP-8, TIMP- 1, TIMP- 2, AFP and NSE; and TIMP-2; presence of occupational hazards in the medical history-MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2; with a diagnostic sensitivity (DS) of over 60% .Also our analysis showed that the use of tobacco was significantly affected the expression of TIMP-1 and CA 125; frequent use or abuse of alcohol-CA 19-9, AFP and CEA; use of dru gs had an impact on MMP-8 expression. However, the occupational hazards in the medical history did not show a statistically significant effect. Conlusion Factors of carcinogenesis affect the expression of biomarkers in the oral fluid. The expression of the biomarkers of the MFR should be compared with that in the control group of patients with no carcinogenic factors.
这几年的《考试说明》将作文评分分为“基础”和“发展”两个等级,而发展等级中就有“语言富有文采”的要求。那么,如何努力才能使作文语言富有文采呢?方法当然很多,这里仅谈两点。    一、以读促写    作文语言的常见病是用词不当。这是因为语感不成熟,语言的分辨力不强,灵敏度不高。因此,我们认为提高运用语言准确性的最好的方法是加强正面训练,多读、精读文质兼美、风格多样的名篇佳作,并从中感受、咀嚼、积累大
一、信息技术在教学中的应用    我国进入21世纪以来,信息技术得到迅速发展,多媒体技术、网络技术在教育领域中的应用越来越广泛。信息技术在教育中的应用,给传统教育内容的结构带来了强大的冲击,那些强调知识内在联系、基本理论、与真实世界相关的教育内容变得越来越重要,而那些大量脱离实际、简单的知识传授和技术培训的内容则成为一种冗余和障碍。其次,教育内容的表现形式也发生了很大变化,即由原来的文本性、线性结
随着我国九年义务教育课程目标与课程内容的改革,“以创新精神和实践能力的培养为重点,建立新的教育方式,促进学习方式的变革”的创新教育已经成为数学教学改革的一个重点。如何培养学生的创新精神呢?笔者结合教学实践作一些粗浅的探讨。    一、在感受和理解知识发生和发展的过程中培养创新精神    创新教育和传统教育的不同,并不在于否定知识、能力和创新的教育价值,而是改变了知识、能力和创新在教育过程中的性质和
新课程标准强调,数学教学要与生活实际相联系,让学生体会到生活中处处有数学,体验学习数学的乐趣,积极主动地学习有价值的数学。下面谈谈如何在教学实践中,借助信息技术让数学课堂“活”起来。    一、教学内容“活”——生活    数学知识来源于生活,又高于现实生活。怎样把数学课堂与生活实际联系起来呢?教学中有了信息技术的支持,就能变许多的“不可能”为可能,让课堂透出浓郁的生活气息。  例如,在“轴对称图