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  Almost all languages consist of plenty of idioms.They are the wisdom of human beings.Idioms are peculiar and fixed conventionalized multiword expressions in a language.In 1925,Smith gave the definition of idioms as,“We use ‘idioms’ for those forms of expression,of grammatical construction,or of phrasing,which are peculiar to a language,and approved by its usage,although the meanings they convey are often different from their grammatical or logical signification.”(Smith 1925)
  Idioms are the gems of languages,and they best mirror a national characteristics and cultural connotation.Language is the most important part of culture and it is the carrier of culture.Therefore it is necessary to know language and culture first when we do research on idioms.A translation must give the words of the original.A translation must give the ideas of the original.A translation should read like an original work.
  In China,the most typical writer of foreignizing translation was Lu Xun who completed many translation works according to this strategy.“A translation should preserve the exotic color of the target text,which we call the foreign flavor.There is no 100 percent domesticated translation in the world.If there is this kind of translation,it is not faithful and far away from the target text which is not translation at all.”
  Foreignizing translation is source-oriented.That is to say,most of a translator’s efforts are centered on linguistic and cultural peculiarities of a source text.
  First of all,a translator who privileges foreignizing translation can make target-language readers travel abroad.For Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere,the most important function of translation is to create images in another culture.Foreignizing translation is able to preserve foreign flavors of a source text.
  Secondly,foreignizing translation plays an important part in building and developing languages.All human languages have been undergoing a great number of changes from the ancient times up to now,which is also a process of perfecting of languages.“The translator should act not as a guardian but as a host(ess),welcoming new words with open arms,neologisms representing as they do new blood for the language (on condition,however,that it is not ‘contaminated’ blood).”(Tosi,2003)Unsurprisingly,foreignizing translation is one of the best strategies to the development of languages.Accordingly,Chinese language is enriched by means of translation,borrowing many new words,such as,沙发(sofa),沙龙(salon),幽默(humor),and such phrases as,救人一命胜造七级浮屠(to save a man’s life is as good as building a seven-story pagoda),菩萨心肠(as kind as a Bodhisattva),丈二金刚摸不着头脑(as dumfounded as Buddha’s warrior attendants),to name just a few.   Thirdly,as Lawrence Venuti mentioned,“But foreignizing translation is also an attempt to recognize and allow those differences to shape cultural discourses in the target language.”(2004)Each nation,small or big,strong or weak,has equal rights to participate in international affairs.Thus,cultural exchanges should be fair and square.Foreignizing translation is one of powerful tools to fulfill and justify these demands.
  In this paper,literal translation is divided into three ways: complete-literal translation,literal and paraphrasing translation and literal and annotating translation.
  Complete-literal translation
  Complete-literal translation isn’t equal to word-to-word translation.It refers to translating idioms according to their literal forms.Complete-literal translation is in favor of keeping the original form and foreign flavor of the source language.Some idioms in Chinese are quite similar to English idioms.They almost correspond to each other both in form and in meaning.For these idioms,complete-literal translation is most appropriate.Examples
  隔墙有耳——Walls have ears;浑水摸鱼 ——to fish in troubled water;欲速则不达 ——More haste,less speed.
  Some idioms don’t have corresponding ones in target language.Literal translation can retain their original images as well as the foreign expressions so as to enrich the target language.Example
  男男女女都七嘴八舌的说出他们的惦记和盼念。(The Hurricane)——With seven mouths and eight tongues,all were talking together.They tried to tell Hsiao how they had missed him.( Zhang Peiji,1979)
  He laughs best who laughs last.——谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。
  到什么山唱什么歌。——Sing different songs on different mountains.
  Literal translation plus paraphrasing
  Some idioms are hard to understand or to get the meaning if the reader is not familiar with the culture in the source language.Therefore,in foreignization translation,it must give some explanations after the literal translation.
  “三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮”,这就是说群众有伟大的创造力。——The old saying,“Three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Chukeh liang,the master mind,simply means that the masses have great creative power.
  Paint the lily (to embellish excessively,to add ornament where none is needed)——给百合镀金(锦上添花,画蛇添足)
  Literal translation plus annotating
  Some idioms come from literary quotations,historical events or fables.They are often simple in form,but rich in meaning.Annotation can be given when we translate them.   Example
  司马昭之心,路人皆知。——This Sima Zhao trick is obvious to every man in the street.(Sima Zhao was prime minister of Wei who nursed a secret ambition to usurp the throne.The emperor once remarked,“Sima Zhao’s intention is obvious to every man in the street”.
  穷棒子闹翻身,是八仙过海,各显其能——(The Hurricane)——The way we poor folks try to emancipate ourselves,is just like the way The Eight Fairies crossed the sea each displaying his own talent---.(The Eight Fairies refers to“the eight immortals of Taoism in Chinese folklore”.)
  Though it is inconvenient to give annotation when we translate these idioms,it’s worth doing.It can introduce the cultural background of the source language in translation.With the increasingly using of annotation,people will be familiar with their cultural background and the annotation can be removed.
  Idioms are often rich in cultural factors.Moreover,few idioms in one culture can coordinate to idioms in another culture.There are always some differences between them.They may differ in connotation meaning,in emotional color,in literary quotation,in religious background,and so on.Therefore,this paper advocates foreignization strategy,which aims primarily at reproducing as much as possible the foreignness in the original,including the foreign cultural features and the foreign formal features.Foreignization will also benefit the development of the target language and accelerate the communication among nations.
【Abstract】Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has become a driving force in English Language Teaching programs in most parts of the world.It is based on the assumption that students can more easily
【摘要】英语阅读课程是英语专业教学大纲规定的专业基础必修课,但在实际教学中却成为英语专业学生食之无味弃之可惜的鸡肋课程。课程定位、课时设置、教学方法、学生课外阅读及教师对课外阅读的检查等均是导致这一结果出现的原因。若从以上原因入手进行改革,必将会显著提高英语专业阅读教学效果。  【关键词】英语阅读 课程定位 教学方法 课外阅读  阅读课是英语专业基础阶段教学的一门必修课,同时也是使学生大量接触英语
【Abstract】The theory of Error Analysis is a crucial part in the research of second language acquisition and it has significant influence on exploring the pattern of English teaching.Although there are
一哥:  8月的炎热渐渐退去,自由的小鸟也乖乖回笼了,五年级重新分班,新班级里没几个熟人,熟人里一个老友都没有,看着榜单我差点哭出来,原来绝对“C位”的我在新环境里显得格格不入。  第一節就是我讨厌的数学课,不出意外,我走神了,突然同桌的手肘捣了我一下,我立马回过神来,迎面撞到老师锐利的眼神,大半个教室的同学们都望向我,还有人在偷笑,完了!我战战兢兢起立,自然回答得驴唇不对马嘴,结果第一天的第一节
有一户人家,父女二人在同一所学校工作。父女俩从家走到学校,有各自习惯的路线。如图,父亲喜欢尽量少拐弯;女儿却喜欢一路穿街走巷,不放弃每次拐弯的机会。如果图中每一条路都是沿着南北或东西的方向,那么父亲和女儿谁走的路短一些?  两条路一样长。
【摘要】笔者在进行牛津英语七年级下册第三单元的综合技能部分,进行了教学改革的探讨,从课堂的教学导入,到听、说、读、写的各个环节的训练,无不体现激发学生的学习兴趣、体现学生的主体地位,引领学生在做中学、学中做。  【关键词】初中英语 Integrated skills教学 兴趣  笔者在教学了七年级下Unit3 Reading后,放下Grammar,先进行Integrated skills的教学,并
【摘要】欧洲翻译协会的创始人之一的马丽·斯内尔·霍恩比在1988年出版了《翻译研究——综合法》一书后,2006年6月又出版新著《翻译研究的转向:新范式还是新视角?》。书中不仅回顾了西方近30年的翻译研究的各个转向,而且对西方各个翻译理论进行了评价和解析,提出了许多独到的见解,为国际译界又一次做出了建设性的贡献。  【关键词】霍恩比 翻译 转向 新范式 新视角  马丽·斯内尔·霍恩比是维也纳大学的翻
我在后院待了不到两分钟,罗杰·特尔福的秃头就从分隔我们两家的栅栏上伸了过来。这一点儿也不奇怪。只要是在我们这个街区发生的事情,那就逃脱不了特尔福和他妻子艾琳的法眼。如果只把他们说成是那种普通的多管闲事的邻居,那对他们而言是不公平的。他们是此类邻居中的典范、标杆、楷模,将偷偷摸摸、蹑手蹑脚、疑神疑鬼、探头探脑、涎皮赖脸、粗鲁无礼发挥到了极致。  “我觉得好像听到那边有动物嗅鼻子、低声吼叫的声音,”他