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  Every night, we can see stars twinkle in the sky. They shine brightly like diamonds mosaic in the dark sky which resembles black velvet. But have you ever thought why they can shine?I think that’s because of the darkness. Without it, we can’t see them. Just like the stars, humans also need difficulties on their way to success.
  On March 14th, 1988, a family in Akron, Ohio, US, gave birth to a baby. His name is Stephen Curry. As we all know, now he is the booming point guard from the Golden State Warriors. Charles Barkley said, “Stephen Curry is one of the league’s best defenders in active service, he is a so brilliant goalscorer that he plays an important role in the success of Warriors.” So real, because the NBA ‘s best shooter was once a long shot.
  Stephen’ s father is Dell Curry, one of the NBA’ s best shooters, who is six feet four tall. He didn’t want Stephen to follow his steps, but to do anything he likes as long as put full heart into it. Stephen thought basketball was special because it was what his father was doing, so when he was in Grade eight, he decided to spend whole time playing it and started to do anything to play in the college. However, he was too small — just five feet six and 125 pounds, to have enough strength. Then he practiced again and again in his backyard. His father taught him jump shot, and trained him until very late every day. It was very painful to spend a lot of hours on it everyday in the whole summer. Sometimes he cried and didn’t want to work again. But he had no choice because he just had a normal body. Through it, his PPG (Points Per Game)increased to 20 points during senior high.
  However, after his graduation, a harder situation was coming. There was none of colleges willing to recruit him. Almost every coach in them said, “Oh man, he is little.” It hurt him certainly, but he treated it as an encouragement and just played his game. He believed that the right coach and the right college were waiting for him. Finally he found it. That college was Davidson which had only 1, 600 students and had never won in the NCAA(National Collegiate Athletic Association) since 1969. The coach said he saw brilliance in him. It was the way the coach talked and the confidence he expressed in him that made Stephen believe that if he let him coach himself, and the good things would happen, although his father didn’t think highly of him. At last, Stephen became the most unstoppable scorer with his shooting ability in NCAA.   In 2009 NBA drafts, Stephen was picked at the 7th place by Warriors. But at the beginning of his career in NBA, he always sprained his ankle. Many people thought he would not go all out for this harm, while he was competitive and would not let the injury stop him. After six-month healing, in November 2012, Stephen came back and set a new single season three-pointers made record.
  Stephen now is signed by Under Armour, but before 2013, he was a Nike athlete. However Nike slighted him. Stephen hoped to be given a youth basketball camp, like many of the NBA’ s biggest stars, but didn’t get one. When it came to the meeting, Nike dropped the ball by mispronouncing his first name. And it was also clear that Nike was placing Stephen in a category below their top stars like LeBron James, Kevin Durant, and Kobe Bryant. Few people saw Stephen’ s rise coming, and it has become Nike’ s biggest fear, which they can’t overcome in shoes business.
  On May 11th, Stephen became the first unanimous MVP, winning the award for a second straight season. And in a research before, which let 1, 400 American people whose ages are between 18 and 34 choose their favorite sportsman — not just basketball player, Stephen was the No.1. They love Stephen, because they can catch sight of silhouettes of themselves from him. Everyone could become a basketball star just like Stephen! By his experiences, he showed us the possibility that every ordinary man can realize their dreams, and nothing is impossible as long as you make your efforts.
  So many difficulties weave our dark sky, we are exactly the stars. Because of it, we can flash. No matter how dark in the future, just believe that we can shine like diamonds as long as we struggle to do it.
《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》指出:“幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿的健康放在工作的首位”。为保证幼儿的身体健康和生命安全,我园一直将安全问题作业幼儿园工作的重中之重来抓,规范日常安全管理,为孩子撑好一把平安伞。  一、规范管理,措施到位  常言道:“没有规矩不成方圆。”幼儿园安全工作如果没有规范的管理做保障,就会陷于口号,流于形式。我园首先从加强领导,落实安全责任入手,把安全工作列入幼儿园
【摘要】自我校花巨资建立大学生英语自主学习平台以后,我们的教学方法和手段也进行着翻天覆地的变化。传统教学模式已经不适应现在科技日益进步的要求,因为,如何在网络自主平台的媒介下上好一堂大学英语课,成了热议的话题。  【关键词】自主学习 知识性 趣味性 实用性  大学英语教学要求指出,大学阶段的英语教学要求分为三个层次,即一般要求、较高要求和更高要求。大学英语课程的设计应充分考虑听说能力培养的要求,并
【摘要】信息化时代,互联网的普及促使翻转课堂教学模式成为国内外教育改革的一股新浪潮。这一新的模式能否成功地运用到我国大学英语的课堂教学中,引起了国内研究者的关注和探讨。本文基于地方应用型高校的大学英语读写教学实践,通过聚焦基于翻转课堂模式的读写教学课堂,分析了翻转课堂模式在地方应用型大学英语读写实践中的特点和优势,并对其在大学英语教学应用中的可行性进行了探讨。  【关键词】翻转课堂 大学英语读写教
【摘要】本文以翻译教学测试为背景,以学生语料为基础,对大学英语教学中学生英语语言能力进行实证研究。通过翻译错误分析的方法,研究学生英语语言能力的各个方面的情况,为之后的翻译测试研究提供基础。  【关键词】语料 错误分析 翻译语言能力  【Abstract】The paper is based on language testing, and analyzes the corpus of the s
【摘要】长期以来,全国各高校都为英语专业高年级学生设立学术论文写作课程,然而,传统的课堂教学模式只能使学生被动地接受知识,如何培养学生的批判性思维能力和创新意识迫在眉睫,从教学理念到课程模式的更新势在必行。本文旨在检验计算机辅助教学在高校英语专业学术论文写作课程中的应用情况,以期提高课程教学效果。  【关键词】计算机辅助教学 论文写作 教学改革  一、项目研究背景及意义  《高等学校英语专业英语教
【摘要】在课改的大背景下,素质教育受到越来越多人的关注,而高中英语听力教学作为检验高中阶段素质教育的一块试验石,更是逐渐受到社会各界人士的关注。高中阶段学生学习任务重,面临的高考压力相对较大,而有效的高中英语听力教学则能显著减轻学生学习英语的压力。本文结合高中阶段英语教学的实际情况,通过分析当前高中英语听力教学的现状,探讨能够有效开展高中英语听力教学的几点对策和方案。  【关键词】高中阶段 英语教
【摘要】该文从教学步骤、教学内容选择与设计、师生角色和教学评价四个方面诠释以任务型教学理念为指导的大学英语课堂教学设计,并以《大学英语·精读》预备级第十单元课文It’s Never Too Late for Success为例,探讨和展现任务型教学理念主导下的课堂教学设计。  【关键词】任务型教学理念 大学英语 课堂实践 教学设计  一、任务型语言教学  国家教育部在2001年颁布的《英语课程标准
【摘要】提问能够体现学生的主体地位,有助于学生思辨能力的发展。教师提问可以创造一种热烈讨论氛围的同时深化对文本的思考。它是师生信息互动的重要渠道和载体。教师通过提问激发学生对知识的输入和产出的同时另一方面学生的英语阅读能力也得到了锻炼。通过课堂教学观察对教师在提问类型方面现状的分析旨在提高学生的阅读能力,尤其是批判性阅读。  【关键词】初中英语阅读教学 教师课堂提问类型 知识性提问 理解性提问 批