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  The movie Shawshank Redemption tells the story of 1940s’ American society, to be specific, a prison life story. The protagonist Andy, a previous banker, was mistakenly charged crime and spent 27 years in the prison until he broke out through a sub-tunnel he had dug. During that 27 years, everything he had suffered in the prison made him a stronger and smarter man. He learned to endure, think calmly and respond according to different occasions. Meanwhile, he also helped to build a better prison, give hope to other prisoners and got a valueless friendship. Instead of waiting for death in the prison, he never stopped thinking and working on escaping from the prison. His strong faith and support from friends made him succeed. This is a movie about human mature, institutionalization and hope.
  In the Shawshank Prison, there is no freedom, not even to mention basic human dignity. The characteristics of prisoners and prison guards are in stark contrast. The prisoners’ redemption subtly reflects the corrupted hearts of the prison guards who originally should represent justice. Prison guards never treated them as human being. Part of their enjoyment of work was to torture the prisoners both physically and mentally, like slaves. Shawshank Redemption tells the story of self-redemption of prisoners themselves. There is one scene in the movie. A prisoner was beaten to death by a prison guard. The next day when they were talking about the poor guy, Andy asked for his name. Other prisoners were quite shocked for no one cared about the name. Long time in prison and horrible suffering there made them think they were less important, which was very pathetic. On the other side of the prison is the warden and prison guards, who are bureaucratic. The warden is a selfish cold-blood man. He used the prisoners to work for him as his slaves. When there was one chance that could prove Andy’s innocence, he stopped it by killing another innocent man only because he wanted Andy to stay in prison and help his tax evasion and corruption.
  Human mature sometimes is complicated. When the man who should present justice and kindness, turns out to be an ugly mind, the society would not make any progress. In the prison the elder man Brooklyn had taken care of a wounded raven for a long while until he flew away again. On the other hand, in the prison, the warden could kill any prisoner without taking any responsibility. How ironic it is.
  Brooklyn spent almost most of his lifetime in the prison where there had become his whole world. When he was set free and sent back to the new real world, he just couldn’t involve in it. The huge mansions, the busy traffic, all these were different from his childhood memories where he had seen only one car, and never a tall architecture. When he was out there in the real world again, there was neither family nor friends waiting for him. Instead, in Shawshank, the prison, there had his friends, familiar bed, and even his raven. He had been institutionalized. He chose to commit suicide because he was both too old to adapt to the new world and to break the law, which could send himself back to prison. Paradise may be his best place to have a rest for there is no discrimination, no oppression, or no devastation.   From the movie, we learn about the 1940’s American society, about human nature and institutionalization. Andy suffered from the worst environment and finally survived. He read a lot, which enriches his soul, and insisted in his belief. He learned geographic knowledge that helped him to dig the road to rebirth. He wrote regularly to councilor suggesting more budget for a prison library;after six years he got the approval. Books brought him hope, and he delivered hope to his fellow prisoners through books and knowledge. Reid said, “this place would have got the best of him”, but it didn’t. Robinson in the book Robinson Crusoe spent 28 years on an isolated island, the Bible accompanied him for 28 years. This is the power of belief. Andy also, because of belief and hope, got freedom after 27 years.
  Shawshank Redemption is definitely a classic film in the 20th century. It profoundly reveals the ugly, dirty 1940s American society;it thoroughly depicts authentic human nature;it tells the power of hope and belief, which could make impossible possible. Andy says in the film, “busy living or busy dying.” When you are in the world without soul, what’s the meaning of life?
【摘要】《新时代大学英语》一直是作者所在高职院校大部分非英语专业学生所用教材。本文通过采用坎宁沃茨的教材评价对照表为主要分析方法,对此套教材进行了静态分析,希望能对想要采用此套教材的教师和学生有所助益。  【关键词】《新时代大学英语》 教材分析  随着国际一体化的不断深入,英语作为国际间交流的主要通用语言之一,它的重要性也日趋突出。作为非母语国家,我国人们对于英语的习得主要是通过在学校环境里的系统
【摘要】传统的英语教学方式把学生放在被动的位置,学英语成为学生的精神负担。受罗杰斯“非指导性教学”理论的启发,笔者所在的学院设置英语角,加强师生沟通,使学生敢于表达,乐于表达,老师在教学中不再是指导者,而是参与者。本文分析了英语角与传统课堂的不同,并探讨了英语教学发展的趋势。  【关键词】非指导性教学 英语角 教学方式  一、英语教学的现状及对策  随着国际化程度越来越高,高校学生对自己在校期间的
【摘要】外语课程改革的深入发展引发了研究者对外语教师教育与发展的广泛关注。本文统计分析了近10年(2008-2017)《外语教学与研究》学术期刊发表的外语教师教育与发展研究论文, 结果显示:l.进入21世纪以来,研究成果明显增加;2.研究方法发生变化,实证性研究有所上升;3.研究内容涵盖4个方面。  【关键词】教师教育与发展 研究方法 研究内容 研究趋势  一、引言  《大学英语课程改革教学要求》
【摘要】英语是初中教育体系的基础学科,在新课标的指导下,要求初中英语教学要注重提升学生的听说能力,而英语阅读是促进学生英语听说能力的重要途径。本文主要针对初中英语阅读策略的运用与阅读能力的培养进行分析和阐述,希望给予我国教育行业以参考和借鉴。  【关键词】初中英语 阅读策略 阅读能力 培养  新时期下,随着我国教育体制的不断深化改革,对初中英语教学也提出新要求,初中英语要摒弃传统的固化教学模式,注
学生是教育的主体,每个学生都是特殊的个体,学生的发展存在个体差异,一个班里有些学生品学兼优,有些默默无闻保持“中立”,而另一些掌握知识较为缓慢,我们称之为“待进生”。  待进生分为有两类,一类是先天因素所致,记忆力,思维能力发展迟缓;另一类则是由于客观或主观因素导致思想有偏差、成绩跟不上的“非智力型”待进生。以下就如何提高后一种待进生的英语水平,归纳几点做法。  一、以心交心,启动爱的教育  教师
【摘要】王尔德在其戏剧中常常会用到双关这种修辞手法,从而达到幽默风趣的效果。要让译文保留其风味,就必须恰到好处地处理双关语的翻译。本文对比分析了The Importance of Being Earnest的三个译本,发现余光中的译本恰当运用了各种翻译策略,解决了跨文化理解的困难,较为成功地保留和传递了王尔德双关语的幽默趣味。  【关键词】王尔德 戏剧 双关 翻译  戏剧作为文学的一种特殊形式,有
【摘要】学习兴趣是学生走向成功的动力。有了兴趣,就有积极的情感态度,就能充分发挥主观潜能,孜孜不倦津津有味地进行学习,即使碰到各种困难也会想方设法去克服,努力实现自己的学习目标。在英语教学中,注重培养和调动学生的学习兴趣 ,是有效提高英语教学水平的好方法。  【关键词】学习兴趣 课堂教学 英语环境 师生关系  伟大的科学家爱因斯坦曾说过:“兴趣是最好的老师”。美国心理学家布鲁纳也曾讲过:“最好的学
【摘要】英语学科作为高中教育体系中的重要构成部分,在整个教学活动中的地位至关重要。在高一英语阅读教学中,教师不仅需帮助学生理解文本内容的表层信息,还应指导他们深层次探究和解析阅读材料,发挥其主观能动性批判性阅读课文,培养学生批判性思维。笔者主要对如何在高一英语阅读教学中培养学生批判性思维作研究,并提出一些个人见解。  【关键词】高一英语 阅读教学 学生 批判性思维  在新课程背景下提倡探究性学习,
【摘要】头韵既是有效的表达手段,也有助于音韵语感的形成。本文在探讨头韵的典型运用、分类及修辞效果的基础上,进而探讨了头韵在中小学英语的教学,建议区分两个阶段,并充分利用网络资源,注重培养学生欣赏和运用头韵的敏锐意识和能力。  【关键词】头韵 中小学英语教学 互联网  【Abstract】Based on the introduction of the typical use of allitera
【摘要】随着国际化发展速度的不断加快,新课改对高中英语教学提出了较高的要求,而阅读教学是其中比较重要的组成部分。而合作学习策略主要是以学生为中心来开展的一种教学模式,其注重小组教学活动的开展。因此,在高中英语阅读教学过程中,合作学习策略得到了广泛的应用,其不仅能够培养学生的团队合作意识,而且还可以更好的提高课堂教学效果和质量。  【关键词】高中英语阅读教学 合作学习策略 应用  在教育体制改革过程