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  Abstract: This paper studies literary translation from the perspective of polysystem theory. The translated literature tries to gain the position in the target environment. literary translation is the manipulation of the image
  Keywords: Polysystem theory; manipulation of the image; literary translation
  1. Introduction
  Since literary translation is a complicated question across all over the world. The God disintegrates all the human language and because he is afraid of all human will unite to overthrow his or her regime. Therefore, every nation has its own language.
  2. The analysis of the text
  2.1The translation of Hanshan’s poems: The image of hanshan’s translation
  The Hanshan’s poems are not popular in China before whether it is in ancient China or in the early contemporary society. However, when the hanshan’s poems were imported into Japan, the destiny of Hanshan’s poems are to change. The Japanese poets like such a kind of poems. They interested in the image of what hanshan described in the poems, though there are few historical accounts of hanshan’s life, even in the Chinese historical book.
  Now let’s see an example. 一向寒山坐
  一向寒山坐 淹留三十年
  昨来访亲友 大半入黄泉
  渐减如残烛 长流似逝川
  今朝对孤影 不觉泪双流
  Gary Snyder’s version
  I have lived at Cold Mountain
  These thirty long years
  Yesterday I call on friends and family
  More than half had gone to the Yellow Spring
  Slowly consumed, like fire down a cradle.
  Forever flowing, like a passing river.
  Now, morning, I face my lone shadow.
  Suddenly my eyes are bleared with tears. (Gary Snyder: 48)
  In this poem, Our Chinese would like to interpret this poem as a regret poem, however the translator change the image of Hanshan by using the different word choice. The translator adds the “long “word to describe the unusualness of Hanshan. The translator also adds the word “forever” to describe the stream, and it gives a mysterious meaning to the river. The original one mainly give us the impression is that Hanshan is unhappy about the past time, while the translated one tries to give us the impression that Hanshan is magic and he is different from others.
  2.2My own experience:
  The translation of the novel test. The translation of the word “said” In the novel, there many “said”s. So if we all translated it in to “ 说”. It can not fully express the author’s thought. Therefore I try to use different expressions to translate the “said”. For example, according the character and the specific contest, I use the most appropriate word to describe it. For example, the character Alicson, I use “嘟哝”and “带着疑惑地说”and so on. The other person also uses the different and suitable words to translate the same word “said”. The translation of the novel Macdnald’ s dream. Every section of the novel has no title. But in order to attract reader, I, according to the Chinese novel, add titles to every section. I use the four-characters to create the aesthetic beauty. These are my added titles:1. 第一回:神童出世 搅乱世界2. 第二回:偶遇神马 争执不下3.第三回:路遇赌徒 阴谋策划4. 第四回:梦入仙境 翩翩少女5. 第五回:喜得神马 迎接挑战6. 第六回:苏镇惹事 大战在即 etc. So I use these beautiful titles to attract the readers.
  3. Conclusion:
  For the literary translation, I analyze it from the point view of polysystem theory. I point out the translated literature is try to manipulate the image of the literature.
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摘要:在英语学习过程中,文化预设的普遍存在却得不到填补,文化误读在跨文化交际中频繁发生,加之潜在的观念选择的文化预设的影响,甚至导致文化传播的失败。而在中国文化课程中,文化预设与文化误读得不到足够的重视。文化预设,文化误读与中国文化课程在一定程度上使英语学习的道路崎岖难行。本文旨在研究文化预设,文化误读与中国文化课程的影响,重点从跨文化交际中的文化预设,文化误读看英语专业中国文化课程设置。  关键
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摘要:黄嘉德先生的《吾国与吾民》在遣词造句语言风格上文白相间,在一定程度上反映了译者的态度与风格,再现了林语堂先生幽默风趣的笔调,但是有些地方拗口难懂,生涩粗糙。翻译时,译者必须要有科学严谨,一丝不苟的态度,译者态度直接影响译文质量。  关键词:《吾国与吾民》;汉译;译者态度  一、引言  《My Country And My People》是林语堂第一部在美国引起巨大反响的英文著作。林语堂在该书
摘要:初中语文课程教学中,为促进学生语文知识学习的质量,教师在复习教学方面要注重采用创新性的措施,提升学生复习的质量。本文主要从理论层面就初三语文复习教学的策略实施详细探究,希望能为学生实际学习起到积极作用。  关键词:初三语文;复习教学;复习实效  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(2020)-28-181  0.引言  新课改下初中语文教学中教师要能从多角度进行考虑和优化,注重方法
摘要:英语中的四种技能听、说、读、写相辅相成,相互促进。而在目前重视分数(写)的前提下,无论是老师还是学生却往往忽视了最基础的听与说。本文从课前5分钟听说训练的有利性和可行性提出了自己的观点和方案。  关键字: 听说活动设计;听说课前训练;创造英语环境;教师调控;自主学习  九年义务教育全日制中学《英语教学大纲》规定:“英语教学的目的是通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运
摘要:词汇是组成语言的基本材料。然而,这却是长期以来困扰教师和学生的主要问题。如何使我们的学生掌握必要的词汇,成为真正的“巧妇”是本文所探讨的话题。  关键词:必要性;词汇;教学  词汇是构成语言的建筑材料。在英语学习中,词汇学习至关重要。因为它是学生掌握和运用英语的重要基础。词汇量不足,往往给学生听、说、读、写、译等方面造成较大障碍。英国著名语言学家Wilkins说:“没有语法,人们就不能表达很
摘要: 本文探讨如何在大学英语的教学中实现人文素质与英语技能的综合培养。这需要教师本身有较高的语言技能与人文素质,以及合理设计出紧密联系实际的,引导学生思考与讨论的活动。  关键词:大学英语;人文素质;语言技能  随着大学英语教育改革的推进,大学英语的主要目的是“use”, 而不再是90年代以前提的 “语言基础”,即“usage”。2004年的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》明确指出要 “培养学
新的英语课程标准认为,发挥好学生学习的主体地位,引导学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式来参与课堂教学,不仅能帮助学生加深对语言文本的理解与感悟,还能够优化课程教学过程与方法。学生在合作探究学习中,不仅能够主动参与教学教学过程,便于他们增强理解记忆,还能够构建和谐的课堂教学氛围,深化课程教学的过程。  一、优化探究话题,引导学生积极参与  合作探究需要一定的任务话题。通过对任务话题的优化,有