读了路培琦老师执教的《连通气球》课堂实录及说课文章,令人耳目一新,看了魏求是老师《对<连通汽球>一课的两点疑问》这篇文章,使我对这位仅教了3年自然课的青年教师颇有几分佩服。佩服他敢于质疑,敢向权威挑战的勇气。我想,支持这种勇气的力量是对自然教学改革的关注、追求和责任感。 我没能像魏求是老师那样有幸前往观摩聆听,只是从《小学自然教学》杂志上拜读了这节课的实录及精彩解说,我不仅被路培琦老师纯熟、精湛的教学艺术、锐意的
Reading Lu Pei-qi coached the “connected balloon” class record and say class articles, refreshing, read the Wei Qiu teacher “on the a class of questions,” this article, so I am right The young teachers who taught only three years of natural classes quite admire quite a bit. Admire him courage to challenge, dare to challenge the authority. I think the strength that supports this courage is the concern, pursuit and sense of responsibility for the reform of the teaching of nature. I did not have the honor to go to observe and listen as Listen to Professor Wei Qiuzhi. I just read the record and wonderful explanation of this lesson from “Primary School Natural Teaching” magazine. I was not only trained by Lu Peiqi, superb teaching art,