,Influence of Hyperon on 1S0 Superfluidity of Nucleons in Neutron Star Matter

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsj520yxq
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We investigate the property of 1S0 superfluidity of neutrons and protons in the neutron star matter. On the basis of the result, we study the effects of hyperons on the 1S0 pairing gaps of the two species of the particles. The parameter sets we use are for the Hartree approximation of the relativistic σ - ω model and the mean field approximation of the Walecka model, respectively. The predicted domain of superfluidity is very close to other works, whereas differences appear in the predicted value of the maximum gap. It is found that Σ-, Λ and Ξ- have some influences, the scales of which depend on hyperon-meson coupling constants we use besides other factors, on the 1S0 superfluidity of protons in some density range, and do not have influence on superfluidity of neutrons. Other hyperons have no influence on the 1S0 superfluidity of neutron and proton due to these hyperons appearing after 1S0 neutron and proton pairs disappear.
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