Living with Hope A reflection on“The Dead”by James Joyce

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  【Abstract】As one of the most significant masterpieces of James Joyce, The dead had addressed the author’s concern about the nation’s awareness of treasuring its traditions and core social values. It certainly provided a various impact on readers with different background and educational status. The article is focusing on a personal reflection with two elaborated parts: the proud and the hesitated:
  【Key Words】Spiritual/Social Crux; Traditions; Social Consciousness; Epiphany
  The dead are often considered to be one of Joyce’s best novella. Some say that in this story Joyce revealed the spiritual crux of Irish society in his days by describing people’s daily and social life, trying to wake up people’s national consciousness. Others think it revealed the mental processes of the leading character: full of illusion— the ruin of illusion— an epiphany.
  Firstly, Gabriel had delivered his speech with the strong sense of pride of his nation, which was exactly the author was trying to address. Joyce deeply loved his country; he was quite proud of the traditions the hospitality, patriotism, benevolence etc. However, he was worried, anxious, insecure because he realized some excellent traditions and qualities were gradually disappearing. Joyce had been trying to awakening people’s national consciousness, arouse their patriotism, their potentially existing passion for life, for their nation and society. Undoubtedly, whatever times we live, whatever social designations we are holding, passion should be reserved for our country, our nation, just as Joyce has reminded us. I always believe that if a book is considered classic, it must have either enlightening or instructive influence on real life, just as The dead did.
  Secondly, Joyce appeared to be passive, hesitated, depressed to some extent. Great thinking is generally more painful in the soul, as he always has an insight into more problems, cruxes in society. Joyce did see people’s spiritual actuals and social problems of his times, but what he could do with the current status? The Author had an epiphany at the last part of the story, but I think it is covered with passive colour. Joyce felt insecure, confused, helpless and depressed. Maybe he simply tried to remind people about something since there was little that he could do.
  Thirdly, I’d like to express my opinions on problems accompanying social development and progress. Each age has its own problems and defects, either in Joyce’s age or in modern society. Almost everyone admits that our modern society is highly advanced. We own high technology, high living standard and excellent medical opportunities. However, we can’t avoid “spiritual paralysis”. The rapid development of society is more liable to bring us emptiness, loneliness, depression and disillusionment. We are undergoing stresses from all areas: compete for better education, better jobs, and better lives. What I would like to emphasize is that we are always progressing while all kinds of difficulties are arising.
  We are blessed to have a chance of living in the world. Whatever you have experienced, forget unhappiness, darkness and misfortune, just treasure all that we have owned.
  Life is always full of hope, only if you believe.
【摘要】随着全球化的迅速发展,大学英语也逐渐受到了各大高校的重视,因此大学生对英语的学习态度及动机就变得尤为重要。本研究以安徽省五所高校的部分大学生为研究对象,探究了目标院校学生对英语的学习态度及动机,并为改善大学生对英语学习的态度及动机提供了相关建议。  【关键词】大学生英语;学习态度;学习动机  【Abstract】 With the rapid development of globaliz
【摘要】课堂思政是高校教师教书育人的重要内容之一,既要求高校教师能教专业知识,又能通过一定思想观念、政治观点、道德规范,在课堂上对学生施加积极、正面的影响,促进知识学习与思政教育相融合,助力大学生成长成才。本文以高校公共课程大学英语为例,探讨如何从教学材料中挖掘思政元素,在提高学生知识能力的同时培养良好的价值观,实现英语课程知识和课程思政的双重结合。  【关键词】应用型高校;大学英语;课程思政  
【摘要】在当前环境下,英语学习教育已经越来越被人们所重视,在我国教育体系中,英语学习从小学一直延续到大学,每个阶段都是考试必备的科目。所以,英语的学习,成了师生都十分关心的科目。在英语学习过程中,词汇学习十分重要,也是英语学习的基础。通过外国文学名著的阅读,能够使学生积累词汇量,提升学生的自学能力,是一个十分有效地提升高中词汇教学效果的方法。  【关键词】文学名著;提高;高中英语;词汇;教学  【
【摘要】伴随着新课改的不断深入,高中英语教师对于学生的英语诵读质量要求也在逐步提升。故而,教师需要综合分析学生学习英语过程中遇到的实际问题,并结合自身的教育教学经验,指导学生进行专项英语技能训练。经过教师的调查和分析,最终发现学生的英语诵读水平存在较大缺陷,因此需要教师针对学生英语诵读薄弱环节进行教学补充,从而切实有效地帮助学生规避母语负迁移,提升学生的英语文化素养。  【关键词】高中英语;朗读背
【摘要】本文以传统文化导入在小学英语教学中的重要性为切入点,深入分析了小学英语教学中的传统文化导入路径。  【关键词】小学英语;中国文化;导入  【作者简介】李娜(1986-),女,汉族,河北沧州人,沧州市路华小学,文学学士,中小学二级教师。  一、传统文化导入在小学英语教学中的重要性  首先,基于本质角度而言,英语作为外语课程,并非单一的工具课,还是培养跨文化交际能力的素质教育课程。在小学英语教
【摘要】小学阶段是学生学习知识、认识世界的启蒙阶段,小学生拥有很强的学习能力,尤其是在语言学习方面,在该阶段注重学生的英语学习,可为其以后的英语学习打下良好的基础。在各学习环节中,作业是加强学生记忆的重要手段,本文就主要探讨小学生英语作业有效布置和评价的方法,旨在为小学英语教师提供一定的经验参考。  【关键词】小学英语;作业设计;作业评价;教学方法  【作者简介】王亚亚(1989.12-),女,汉
【摘要】作为英语学习最基础与关键的阶段,小学英语教学方法较为落后,要顺应时代发展,结合小学生的特点,设计较为科学的英语教学方法。在本次论文中,将针对英语阅读教学中的绘本教学方法进行分析,分析绘本阅读在小学课堂教学中的应用对策,为有效提高小学阶段的英语阅读教学水平起到参考作用。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本教学;应用对策  【作者简介】姜超(1987.11-),女,江苏人,江苏省扬州市仪征市金升外国语